The story's emotional weight is anchored by stellar performances from Nadji Jeter and Jasmin Savoy-Brown. The story is incredibly heartfelt, and it's impossible not to root for Miles, an arguably more relatable Spider-Man than Peter Parker. Playing through the game for a second time, I was blown away all over again. As with all great spidey stories, Miles has to juggle the problems in his every day with the tribulations of being a superhero, and those issues inevitably become intertwined. With Peter Parker out of town, the responsibility falls on Miles’ shoulders to protect New York. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the same game that launched in 2020 regarding narrative and gameplay.

With a suite of new graphical settings to take advantage of, playing Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PC is simply… amazing. Following in the footsteps of the original Marvel’s Spider-Man and several other PlayStation games, Miles Morales has made its way to PC with a Steam port from Nixxes. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was already a technical marvel on the PS5, offering a premium superhero experience to coincide with the launch of Sony’s newest console back in 2020.