What is winzip 24.0
What is winzip 24.0

what is winzip 24.0 what is winzip 24.0

Supplementary registry values that are not removed: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Nico Mak Computing\WinZip Express for Explorer.WinZip 24.0 is usually set up in the C:\Program Files\WinZip directory, but this location can differ a lot depending on the user's option while installing the application. You can remove WinZip 24.0 by clicking on the Start menu of Windows and pasting the command line MsiExec.exe /X A guide to uninstall WinZip 24.0 from your systemYou can find below detailed information on how to uninstall WinZip 24.0 for Windows. It was created for Windows by Corel Corporation. Take a look here for more details on Corel Corporation. You can see more info related to WinZip 24.0 at.

What is winzip 24.0